Monday, September 12, 2011

TULALOO: studio progress

It has been awhile since I've posted any updates on the progress of the new Tulaloo studio space. For several weeks most of the progress we made wasn't much to look at - important, but not glamourous details like fixing the foundation and roughing out electrical work. Finally though, I have some real, visible progress to share! The french doors and windows are in and we've started framing the floor. I feel like we are getting somewhere now and am so excited to move in and meet with clients in our own space!

Have I mentioned that we are building this ourselves? By "we", of course, I mean my husband is spending every spare moment he has outside of work and family obligations building the new studio (He is amazing). We are both DIYers and he is a talented craftsman, so we are enjoying the project. But we can only devote weekends to the build, so it is taking much longer than if we hired a contractor to complete the project for us. Initially we hoped to have the entire studio complete by the end of summer, and obviously that hasn't happened. Complications arose (don't they always on renovation projects?) and parties, weddings and other fun events filled alot of our weekends. We've reexamined the timeline and are confident we will be finished no later than Thanksgiving. Thanks so much to all of you for your patience ! I can't wait to welcome you into the new space!


Lauran said...

Can't wait, Jessica! This is well deserved! Best wishes as things continue to come together.

Lissa (The Wedding Bistro at Bellenza) said...

How exciting for you! Just found your blog, and am looking forward to lots of creative & lovely stationery!

Tulaloo said...

Thank you Lissa and Lauran!