First off, anyone getting married of having a baby MUST check out this new registry - My Handmade Registry. It allows you to register for handmade items for your wedding or event. Don't get me wrong, I love the Cuisinart and mixing bowls I received off of my Filene's registry, but my most treasured wedding gifts are the one of a kind items friends picked up. I have a gorgeous orange and blue raku glazed vase from a pottery shop in Saratoga that is always displayed proudly in my home.
Check this out... Tell me I am not the only one completely intrigued and wanting to buy this!
I never updated you about the Wedding Steps bridal expo we exhibited at last month. It was fantastic. I got to talk to so many brides and other local wedding vendors. I had a great time and am thrilled to be helping so many Connecticut brides create their dream wedding invitations. I have pictures of our booth, but of course haven't gotten them uploaded to the computer yet.
And on a personal note, Chunk is now sleeping in a big boy bed. Captain never once climbed out of his crib and we finally switched him to a bed when he was 2 and a half because we thought we ought to. Chunk climbed out at 18 months. And since he is also not nearly as good a sleeper as his older brother, this means he can frequently be found standing at the top of the stairs at 3am shouting "mom? MOM? MMMOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!".
Hoping to get back into my regular blogging groove soon.
1 comment:
I love the idea of the Handmade Registry!
Momspit... *chuckle*
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